Category: Books
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Mibu is a good-looking boy who is good at making sweets. Ishibashi is always hyper and a good friend of Aunties at the school cafeteria. Ishibashi likes eating and chatting. So naturally, the cafeteria is his favorite place at school. But the cafeteria is always empty. Ishibashi and aunties don’t think much of that fact until they learn about the plan to close the cafeteria. Ishibashi and aunties convinces the reluctant Mibu to join them in an effort to overcome this crisis and turn a profit for the cafeteria! They focus on making “sweets” to resurrect the cafeteria. Thanks to Mibu’s talent, this plan pays off. However, Mibu tries to hide his sweet-making talent because of his past traumas and there are shady characters who try to disrupt the plan which is working so well…
