Fill It Up 1.0.0

Category: Games
Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


Fill it up is a combinatorial puzzle based upon the famous 0-1 Knapsack Problem. You are given several colored objects, characterized by two integer numbers: the money value of the object (top integer) and the volume of the object (bottom integer). You are also given a grid (your knapsack) of a fixed dimension. Your goal is to pick objects from the given list and put them into the grid, so that the total money value of the objects in the grid is maximized. Obviously, you can put an object in the grid only if it fits, i.e. its volume is not bigger than the total amount of space still free in the grid. You will see, by playing the game, that objects, which cannot be put into the grid, are faded.
There are three levels in the game, characterized by a different number of initial objects and different dimension of the grid
- Level “Easy”: 8 objects and a grid with 20 squares
- Level “Medium”: 16 objects and a grid with 40 squares
- Level “Hard”: 24 objects and a grid with 60 squares

Fill it up has a built in a puzzle instance generator, so you can play as many puzzles as you want to. However, you have to start from Level “Easy”, since the other two levels are initially locked. Once you solve 15 puzzles of the Level “Easy”, the Level “Medium” is unlocked and you can play “Medium” puzzles as well. To unlock the level hard, you need to solve at least 15 puzzles of the Level “Medium”.
If you think you cannot solve a puzzle and want to move to another one, just choose "new game" from the main menu.
Objects can be moved to and from the grid by dragging them in and out. You can use the reset button to empty the grid.
Fill It Up
