LoopTek Lunar Calendar 1.0

Category: Utilities
Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


LoopTek Lunar Calendar

#. Calendar, Lunar Calendar, Holidays.
#. 5 place Lunar calendar support, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, Canada,
#. Multi-language display, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, English
#. Display Holidays
#. Change background picture from your iphone photo,
#. Display the Eight Trigrams
#. Global Time Zone clock,

LoopTek Lunar Calendar
Chinese Descrption:
#. 万年历, 农历,节日表,全世界国际时间, 万年农历
#. 农历, 阳历, 月历, 节日, 时区, 节气, 八字, 天干地支, 生肖, 流年, 流月, 流日
#. 两岸三地 中国 香港 台湾当地 节日表
#. 美国 加拿大 当地 节日表
#. 繁体 简体
#. 用你的相片当成年历背景
#. 图形化 全世界国际时间

#. 萬年曆, 農曆,節日假期, 全世界國際時間, 萬年農歷
#. 農曆, 陽曆, 月曆, 節日, 時區, 節氣, 八字, 天干地支, 生肖, 流年, 流月, 流日
#. 兩岸三地 中國 香港 台灣當地 節日假期
#. 美國 加拿大 當地 節日表
#. 繁體 簡體
#. 用你的相片當成年歷背景
#. 圖形化 全世界國際時間

The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, incorporating elements of a lunar
calendar with those of a solar calendar. This measure of time is not
exclusive to China, but followed by many other Asian cultures. It is
often referred to by the Western cultures as the Chinese calendar
because it was first used by the Chinese. In most of East Asia today,
the Gregorian calendar is used for day to day activities, but the
Chinese calendar is still used for marking traditional East Asian
holidays such as the Lunar New Year (Spring Festival), and in China
the Duan Wu festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and in astrology,
such as choosing the most auspicious date for a wedding or the opening
of a building. Because each month follows one cycle of the moon, it is
also used to determine the phases of the moon.

Solar term

Chinese months follow the phases of the moon. As a result, they do not
accurately follow the seasons of the solar year. To assist farmers to
decide when to plant or harvest crops, the drafters of the calendar
put in 24 seasonal markers, which follow the solar year, and are
called jiéqì 節氣.

LoopTek Lunar Calendar
