The Filenes 1.0

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As it so happens, most of the research for this book was done many years ago and so my recall of all those whose assisted me has become a bit blurred. Certainly, the person who aided me the most was Jerry Burns, who was then the librarian of the Credit Union National Association. During the several days I spent at the Association's headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin, he provided me with access to all sorts of informative material including letters, manuscripts and reports. Many of the latter he had himself solicited and, in some cases, commissioned from various family members, friends, associates and aides. I left Madison most grateful not only to him but to the Credit Union National Association itself for having given him the resources to assemble such a voluminous and, in my view, important archive.

It was Jerry, who told me about the collection of Lillian Schoedler papers at the library of Radcliff College, and since Ms. Schoedler was the person closest to Edward Filene during the last seven years of his life, these papers proved most useful. I wish to thank Radcliff College for allowing me full access to them.

Others I wish to thank include Justin Kaplan, for arranging an interview with his remarkable father-in-law, Edward L. Bernays; Nan Bailey, for directing me to Austin Benton; Gabriel W. Kirkpatrick, who, as Jerry Burns' capable successor at CUNA, helped me in various ways--Erin Marino of Filene's, Chrisy Hicks of the Twentieth Century Fund and Mary Beth Dunhouse of the Boston Public Library for help with various last minute matters, and my favorite private library, the Boston Athenaeum, which provided me with various hard-to-find books relating to my subject. Finally, there are my many interviewees, most of whom are named at the back of the book. All of them were well along in years when I interviewed them, yet nearly all of them retained vivid memories of Edward and Lincoln Filene. I deeply regret that none of them are now with us to see their recollections in print.
The Filenes
